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Private Parties ADS ONLY are invited. Dealers may advertise occasional instruments not sold in their normal line of business. (I.E. A Hammond dealer with a Baldwin in stock taken in trade or vice versa) If you are in the business of Selling Hammond organs, for example, then we don't need your ad FOR A HAMMOND ORGAN here unless its a spectacular bargain or oddball organ of some kind. Likewise with other dealers. These are Private Party ads. No one wants to see Dealer ads with Dealer Prices here. PIPE ORGAN PEOPLE including dealers may post as many ads as they want due to the uniqueness of each item in that category.
A Dealer is:
1) Anyone normally engaged in the purchase and resale of organs, new or pre-owned
2) Anyone advertising their instruments at full retail prices.
3) Anyone we say is a dealer is one at our total whim and pleasure.
Dealers must purchase banner advertising or pay for their classifieds and do their share to support theatreorgans.com
Many of dealers do sponsor theatreorgans.com and others should too.
This classified system is designed for bargain hunters. Regular organ dealers should purchase a banner advertisement as well but we don't mind posting the occasional bargain organ or unique item here even if you are a dealer. If you are a private party wanting $8000 for a Hammond then you should buy an ad on our system as your pricing is full retail and you are deemed a dealer. We make banner advertising available for that, and those dealers that use them report great results from advertising on our site. Any ads inconsistent with this policy will be removed by the system or allowed to post, purely at the pleasure and whim of the webmaster who pays all the bills.
We reserve the right to refuse any ad. If you are a dealer and don't have a Banner ad on this site then you are a cheapskate and not doing your part to sponsor the extensive theatreorgans pages so we have no shame denying you access. Dealers with banner ads may post their ads here with impunity as they are paying supporters of the system.
I have read this policy and agree to the terms:

Brought to you in part by:

"Buying and Selling Classic Hammond Organs - No Counterfeit B3s"
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