Theatre Organ Home Page Classifieds

Vintage Hammond  Organs
"Buying and Selling Classic Hammond Organs - No Counterfeit B3s"


Want to Sell: large custom 4 Manual VTPO For Sale

Category: Electronic Organs and Parts

Museum built, designed to Wurlitzer specifications, supervised by retired Wurlitzer executive pipe organ builder. Opus 2 Console Computer Controls over 38 ranks of custom samples and Paramount 4/50 program. Please contact me for detailed specifications of stops, speakers, and console features etc. of this Excellent Virtual Theater Organ. My wife and I are s selling this outstanding instrument as a we are moving and our destination will not accommodate it. Its current installation, a 70 seat 1929 theater with 3 rental apartments and finished penthouse apartment is also available.for additional incomex Dale Zieger
Click on image for larger version
Asking: $68,000.00

Dale Zieger -  Email Address Hidden to Protect from Spammers
Hart,  Michigan  USA
Telephone: 616-914-8341



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Looking for Pre-Owned Organs? Then Consider these:

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MIDI Expander,   Rack Mt Holder,   $150.00   Music door


Kawai,   CP-170,     excellent condition


Available from:

For more information on any of these organs, email

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Organ Stop, San Diego, CA, Home of Allen organs, Lowrey organs and Kawai organs