WurliTzer Opus # 1623 was delivered to the Schine Circuit's Palace Theatre in Auburn, New York in May of 1927. The theatre had opened much earlier, actually around 1917, but was plagued with the ups and downs of very unpredictable business success. The theatre was forever opening and closing, being "remodeled" and then having another "Grand Opening." It was during one of these "facelifts" in 1927 that the WurliTzer Organ was installed. The local paper, "The Auburn Citizen" carried and article that said, "Palace Theatre Reopens Next Saturday- after a complete renovation and installation of a new $25,000.00 WurliTzer Organ, The Palace, which has been closed to Auburn theatre goers all summer, will open Saturday to give its patrons the best in cinema performances, according to an announcement made today by Joseph N. Scwartzwalder, general manager of Auburn theatres. The new organ, the same type that was used in the finest theatres in America, will sound its first beautiful toned notes on that occasion." Thursday, September 1st 1927, page 6 of the Auburn Citizen. Both Auburn newspapers ran advertisements announcing a dedication opening on Saturday, September 3, 1927. The opening attraction was "Arizona Nights" starring Fred Thomson. Prices were 25 cents for evening performances and 15 cents for matinee's. Children were admitted for 10 cents. Shows were continuous from 2:00 PM until 11:00 PM. The Palace Theatre was demolished in March of 1974, having been purchased by the "Urban Renewal Authority" of Auborn. The Organ had left some time before that however. |
Read on about the rest of the WurliTzer's life..... here. |