The rescue team arrives.

 The second home of our organ was in the First United Presbyterian Church at 54 Wyman Street Brockton, Massachusetts. The Presbyterians left the church in June 1990. The primarily Scottish congregation had moved to the suburbs and there was no longer a need for the Church to remain open.    The sanctuary had sustained hurricane damage when a chimney came crashing through the roof and onto the alter area. The few remaining members had simply patched the roof and started meeting in another room. The organ was removed shortly afterward. Armed police guards were required when loading the organ onto the truck, the neighborhood had become extremely dangerous.

  Pictured is the second home of Opus 1623. This is the second home of the organ at the First Presbyterian Church in Brockton, Massachusetts.

 The first view of the church
 Hole in the ceiling  Inside the church, If you look closely you can see the hole in the ceiling caused when the chimney fell during a hurricane.
 Here you see something you may never have seen before, a whole bunch of parts getting readied to be removed from the church and loaded onto the truck .

 Lots of work to be done.



Pipes is pipes

  Some of the pipes as they where installed in the church.

Even more pipes
 The main chest and wind lines as installed in the church.

 Just a few more pipes  The Solo Chest and more pipe work from the church.

Moving on to see the rest of the parts for the WurliTzer
Installation 2 page 2

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